3D modelling of heart cells, brain networks for balance and metabolic disorders
Enjoy fascinating presentations from young researchers and leading scientists at the free Jung Symposium on 3rd May 2024 via live stream
Hamburg, 2nd April 2024. Can we alleviate balance problems in the case of neurological conditions such as stroke by decoding the brain networks for balance? Can 3D models and 3D printing technology contribute to improving research into heart disease? How exactly is energy and sugar metabolism regulated by the central nervous system? And what mechanisms are used to break down fat in cells? Fascinating questions that all have one thing in common: they are the subject of outstanding research work by talented young researchers and renowned personalities from the world of contemporary science, who have been awarded by the Jung Foundation. These questions will be answered at the fourth Jung Symposium ‘Excellence in human medicine 2024’: Metabolism researcher Professor Rudolf Zechner, Professor of Endocrinology Jens Brüning, Doctor of Cardiology Christine Maria Poch and Doctor of Neurology Maximilian U. Friedrich will offer their individual insights into their research results and will be on hand to answer questions. The symposium can be attended in person in Hamburg from 13:00 to 16:00 on 3rd May or can be followed remotely via live stream. All the details about the current programme and a registration form are available at https://jung-stiftung.de/en/symposium-2024/. The symposium will take place in English. Participation is free.
Here you can find the press release for download.
Here you can find the pictures for download.
Those who would like to follow the symposium via live stream should register at https://jung-stiftung.de/en/registration-jung-symposium-2024-digital/. They will receive an access link via email a few days before the Jung Symposium ‘Excellence in human medicine 2024’.
Programme for the fourth Jung Symposium ‘Excellence in human medicine 2024’
13:00: Dr med. Maximilian U. Friedrich MD, clinician-scientist in Neurology and post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Brain Circuit Therapeutics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School; ‘The brain in balance – deciphering the brain networks of equilibrium and understanding their therapeutical implications’
13:40: Dr med. Christine Maria Poch, Specialist in cardiology and clinical researcher at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Internal Medicine I of the Klinikum recht der Isar of the Technical University of Munich; ‘A matter of the heart – simulating and researching heart disease and treatment options in a 3D heart model’
14:20: Coffee break
14.40: Professor Dr med. Jens Brüning, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Metabolic Research and the Polyclinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine at the University of Cologne; ‘Central nervous regulation of energy and sugar metabolism’
15:20: Professor Dr phil. Rudolf Zechner, Professor emeritus at the Institute for Molecular Biosciences at the University of Graz, Austria; ‘A life’s work in metabolic research – the discovery of the mechanisms of fat degradation in the cell’
Providing a platform for inspirational scientists and vital research
With the Jung Symposium ‘Excellence in human medicine 2024’, the Jung Foundation is, for the fourth time, providing a cross-disciplinary and international platform for scientific communication. It gives doctors, researchers, students and anyone who is interested the opportunity to learn about outstanding research live through exciting presentations. To this end, the Foundation invites its laureates to share their award-winning research findings each year. The aim is that these presentations will bring theory and practice closer together, and result in inspiration, innovation and ideas.