We are delighted to welcome five young fellows to our Jung family again this year. With immediate effect, Michail Mordvintsev, Lena Rüschpler, Maximilian Effenberg, Paul Aron Brunnbauer and Lotta Jacken (from left) will receive a scholarship of 15,000 euros for one year. With this scholarship, we give promising doctoral students in human medicine the opportunity to concentrate fully on their research for a year and also support them on their path with the excellent contacts of our foundation members and the knowledge of our award winners.
It is particularly pleasing that the Jung Alumni Meeting, at which we were able to meet our new fellows in person for the first time, has now become an established tradition and a regular part of our foundation's annual calendar. Here, our former and current Deutschlandstipendiat:innen and Jung Fellows can exchange ideas with each other and cultivate new as well as long-standing contacts. With the Jung Fellowship Program, we have extended our support for the first time in 2022 to include young scientists and physicians. The program is initially limited to Hamburg and supports selected doctoral candidates in medicine with a scholarship totaling 15,000 euros. This money is deliberately not earmarked for a specific purpose, so that we can enable the future physicians to devote themselves full-time to demanding research projects and even take a break from their medical studies. The program also offers other advantages: The fellows benefit from contacts to outstanding scientists in the field and the extensive knowledge of the foundation's highly esteemed panel members. The young physicians can also participate in the Ernst Jung Symposium for Medical Research, at which the award winners of the Jung Foundation present their excellent research work every year.