
The Jung Foundation is a non-profit organisation serving society in the field of science and research. To date, the Jung Foundation alone has awarded more than €16.5 million in prize and grant money to leading and early-career researchers whose work has already contributed or will contribute to the development of new therapeutic options.

The Jung Foundation was founded by Ernst Jung, who was known as a successful entrepreneur throughout his life. The findings of a study initiated by the Jung Foundation itself paint a new, ambivalent picture of Ernst Jung as an opportunist of National Socialism and forced labour on the one hand and as a later philanthropist on the other. You can find further information here.

The Jung Foundation for Science and Research is founded in Hamburg
for the purposes of supporting various scientific disciplines.


The Jung Foundation has been committed to a number of activities to promote human medicine in Germany and internationally since 1975. It supports basic and promising advanced research projects that may improve treatment options in future.


In this year, the foundation awards the Jung Prize for Medicine for the first time. The award ceremony has traditionally been held in May every year since then. The Jung Prize is the foundation’s main award and honours people and projects that give hope to new approaches to treatments.


The Jung Foundation awards the Jung Gold Medal for Medicine for the first time in 1990. This award honours contributions to medical progress which have largely already been completed.


The Jung Foundation awards the Jung Career Advancement Award for Medical Research for the first time in 2006. The research prize endowed with €210,000 in total enables top medical specialists working abroad to continue their research in Germany.


The Jung Foundation celebrates the 40th award ceremony of the Jung Prize for Medicine.


For the first time the Jung Symposium of medical research takes place. There, our laureates present their award-winning research results. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the awarding ceremony as well as the Symposium are taking place digitally, which is very well received by all participants.



The results of a study commissioned by the Jung Foundation concerning its founder Ernst Jung are now available. In summary, they paint an ambivalent picture of Ernst Jung as an opportunist of National Socialism on the one hand and as a later philanthropist on the other.



In response to the findings, the Jung Foundation has adopted comprehensive measures to face up to Ernst Jung's history, assume responsibility, contribute to further investigation of the period of National Socialism, raise awareness and help those in need. Among other things, the Jung Foundation for Science and Research is supporting the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) with funding totaling 777,000 euros

You can find more information here.