Impressions of the Jung Symposium 2021
That was science live and in color: On May 20, 2021, the first Jung Symposium offered interested participants the opportunity to follow the ceremonial awarding of four renowned scientists and their presentation of their outstanding research results digitally via livestream. The awarding ceremony was opened by Jochen Spethmann, Chairman of the Board of the Jung Foundation for Science and Research.
You missed the event? You can find the presentations of our award winners on their groundbreaking research results here on this page. For further information on our award winners and their research, please follow the link in the text of the respective award winner.
Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine:
Professor Antonio Lanzavecchia
We are very pleased to congratulate Professor Antonio Lanzavecchia on receiving the Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine. He is considered one of the most influential and widely cited immunologists in Europe and worldwide and is currently based at the National Institute of Molecular Genetics, INGM, Milan, Italy. In his scientific career, he continues to work on a wide range of core topics on innate and acquired immunity. For this life's work, which has contributed significantly to medical progress and continues to do so, he was awarded the Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine by the Jung Foundation this year.
You can watch his presentation "Antibodies and vaccines: The immune system at work" in the video.
Introduction of Prof. Lanzavecchia: 00:44
Video portrait: 02:09
Start lecture: 05:44
For more information on Professor Lanzavecchia and his research, please click here.
Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine:
Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Matthias Tschöp
The Jung Foundation for Science and Research has awarded Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Matthias Tschöp with the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine. We offer our warmest congratulations on this. The scientific director of Helmholtz Zentrum München is definitely one of the top researchers in his field. His research focuses on the two metabolic diseases adiposity and diabetes, which are among the most significant of their kind in western industrial nations today. The Alexander von Humboldt Professor has now received the Ernst Jung Award for Medicine from the Jung Foundation for Science and Research in recognition of his cutting-edge contributions to research.
You can watch his presentation "Kampf gegen das Übergewicht: Neue Therapeutika gegen Adipositas und Diabetes" in the video.
Introduction of Prof. Tschöp: 00:46
Video portrait: 01:42
Start lecture: 05:04
For more information on Professor Tschöp and his research, click here.
Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine:
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Christian Hertweck
We warmly congratulate Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Hertweck, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute (HKI), Jena, on receiving the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine. The 51-year-old researcher has several internationally recognized discoveries to his credit in natural product research, and his work on the biosynthesis of active substances with unusual structures has caused a worldwide sensation. His forte is the discovery of active substances and the use of hidden potentials of microorganisms. In 2015, he was already awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, and the Jung Foundation has now awarded him the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine.
You can watch his presentation "Winzig und wirkungsvoll: Bioaktive Naturstoffe aus Mikroorganismen" in the video.
Introduction of Prof. Hertweck: 00:50
Video portrait: 01:48
Start lecture: 05:05
For more information on Professor Hertweck and his research, please click here.
Ernst Jung Career Advancement Award:
Dr. Dr. Randolph Helfrich
We are pleased to award the Ernst Jung Career Advancement Award to Dr. Dr. Randolph Helfrich, from the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research at the University of Tübingen. The 34-year-old junior physician, who already holds two doctorates, received the award for his project "Tiefschlaf oder Schlafstörung: Wie Schlaf und neuropsychiatrische Erkrankungen zusammenhängen". In his lecture, Dr. Helfrich presented how neurological diseases are associated with our brain activity during sleep and which diagnostic and therapeutic methods can be derived from this.
You can watch the complete presentation in the video.
Introduction of Dr. Helfrich: 01:10
Video portrait: 01:53
Start lecture: 04:45
Further information about Dr. Helfrich and his research can be found here.