That was science live and in color: Our second Jung Symposium of Medical Research has taken place on Friday, May 13, 2022 and has offered interested participants the opportunity to follow the presentation of this year's laureates' outstanding research results digitally via livestream. We cordially thank all those involved! 

You missed the event? Please find below the presentations of our laureates.


Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine 2022

Professor Ralf Bartenschlager

We are very pleased to award the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine to Professor Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. h. c. Ralf Bartenschlager. He is Head of the Department of Molecular Virology at Heidelberg University Hospital and of the Department of Virus-Associated Carcinogenesis at the German Cancer Research Center and researches the biology of so-called RNA viruses. Notably, his work laid the foundations for curing damage incurred by chronic infections with the hepatitis C virus, such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. He shares the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine 2022 equally with the biochemist and pharmacologist Prof. Dr Ingrid Fleming from Frankfurt and will therefore receive 150,000 euros to recognise and further promote his work. Congratulations!

Professor Ingrid Fleming

We also congratulate Professor Dr Ingrid Fleming on the awarding of the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine. The Frankfur-based biochemist and pharmacologist receives the prize for her investigation on the relation of diabetes and the resulting vascular diseases as well as for transferring her results to potential medical applications. She researches at the Center for Molecular Medicine at Goethe University, Frankfurt. She shares the Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine 2022 equally with the Heidelberg based virologist Professor Dr Ralf Bartenschlager and will therefore receive 150,000 euros to recognise and further promote her work. Congratulations!

Ernst Jung Career Advancement Award 2022

Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine 2022

Dr Anastasios Giannou

We are very pleased to award the Ernst Jung Career Advancement Award 2022 to Dr Anastasios Giannou. He is working as physician and postdoc at the Institute for General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery and I. Medical Clinic of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and has received the award for his research in the field of cancer-related metastasis formation. To support his promising endeavours on how to prevent or limit the formation of metastasis, the Jung Foundation is awarding him the Ernst Jung Career Advancement Award 2022, which is accompanied by  financial support totalling 210,000 euros over the next three years. Congratulations!

Professor Alain Fischer

We are elated to award our Ernst Jung Prize laureate of 1998 also with the Ernst Jung Gold Medal für Medicine this year für his life's work. Professor Dr med. Alain Fischer from the Institut Imagine and Collège de France dedicated more than 40 years of his life to the field of clinical immunology and achieved significant progress with his scientific work: he deciphered the molecular etiology of numerous genetic disorders of the immune system and developed a corresponding gene therapy. With this award, the Paris-based renowned researcher receives 30,000 euros, which he can grant as a scholarship to a young researcher of his choice. Congratulations!