That was science live and in color: Our third Jung Symposium of Medical Research has taken place on Friday, May 3, 2023 and has offered interested participants the opportunity to follow the presentation of this year's laureates' outstanding research results digitally via livestream as well as in presence in the Ian K. Karan auditorium of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. We cordially thank all those involved!

You missed the event? You will find the presentations of our laureates below soon.

Our lectures 2024

"Brain in balance - deciphering the brain networks of equilibrium and understanding their therapeutical implications"

Dr med. Maximilian U. Friedrich

The event was kicked off by Dr med. Maximilian U. Friedrich with his lecture titled ‘Brain in balance – decoding brain networks of equilibrium and understanding their therapeutial implications’. The clinician scientist in neurology is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Brain Circuit Therapeutics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and as a Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. In recognition of his interesting project, the Jung Foundation presented him with a Jung Career Advancement Award. The young scientist is free to use the €210,000 accompanying the award as he sees fit in order to advance his research.

"A matter of the heart - simulating and researching heart disease and treatment options in a 3D heart model"

Dr med. Christine Maria Poch

Then followed a lecture given by Dr med. Christine Maria Poch, who is a specialist in cardiology and a clinical researcher at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Internal Medicine I of the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich. In her lecture, titled ‘A matter of the heart – simulating and researching heart disease and treatment options in a 3D heart model’, she talked about her research project, which simulates heart diseases in different three-dimensional models with the aid of 3D printing technology, among other things. She is thus creating valuable platforms for research into cardiovascular diseases and establishing the basis for new forms of therapy. For this research, the Jung Foundation also presented her with a Jung Career Advancement Award worth €210,000, which she can use as she sees fit in order to continue her work. 


"Central nervous regulation of energy and sugar metabolism"

Professor Dr med. Jens Brüning

After a short break, Prof. Jens Brüning took to the speaker’s desk. In his lecture ‘Central nervous regulation of energy and sugar metabolism’, he provided interesting insights into his field of expertise. The Director of the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and the Polyclinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine at the University of Cologne recently received one of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grants. In 2009, he was also awarded the Jung Prize for Medicine and is currently a member of the Jung Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board.


"A life's work in metabolic research - the discovery of the mechanisms of fat degradation in the cell"

Professor Dr phil. Rudolf Zechner

The event’s final speaker was Prof. Rudolf Zechner, who presented ‘A life’s work in metabolic research – the discovery of the mechanisms of fat degradation in the cell’. Shortly before, the Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Graz, Austria, had received the Jung Gold Medal for Medicine, which was presented to him by the Jung Foundation for Science and Research for his contributions to the study of lipid metabolism.