The Jung Career Advancement Award comprises a grant of 210,000 euros. The funds are intended to support a research project over a three-year period. The funds are to be used in accordance with the guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The funds are disbursed in two equal installments; the provision of the second half is contingent on the positive review of an interim report by the Scientific Advisory Board. A request for payment of the second half of the amount can be made 18 months after the start of the project at the earliest, and 5 years at the latest.


Requirements: The call is addressed to medical professionals in residence training, who have completed at least two years of scientific research (preferably abroad), have a documented record of scientific accomplishment, and who return to Germany to complete their residency training. The work should be carried out at a German academic hospital. When taking up the award, the applicant should be relieved of clinical duties for at least one year before resuming additional clinical training, with intermittent protected time for a further 2 years combined. Applicants are not required to specify a host institution at the time of the application, which should be chosen in consultation with the Foundation after receiving the Jung Career Advancement Award.

Selection procedure: The selection of candidates is made by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Jung Foundation for Science and Research. A maximum of three candidates will be selected for the final selection round, which consists of an in-person interview in Hamburg.

Application deadline: The application for the Jung Career Advancement Award 2025 is closed. Many thanks to all applicants. We will be happy to inform you here as soon as the application for 2026 opens.

Application documents: An application for the Jung Career Advancement Award consists of the following elements, which can be easily completed and uploaded on this site once the application period begins. Please note that we require that all information is provided in English:

  • Personal details
  • Curriculum vitae (PDF format; max. 1 page)
  • An annotated publication list with a maximum of three key publications including a justification of the selection (PDF format; max. 1 page)
  • Project outline with objectives and justification of the project including time schedule and work plan (PDF format; max. 5 pages)
  • If available, provide a certificate for time already spent in residency training in a clinical subject, including clinical microbiology, laboratory medicine and pathology (preclinical and theoretical subjects such as epidemiology, pharmacology, immunology are excluded) (PDF format)

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the management of the Jung Foundation for Science and Research, Verena Strasoldo, phone 040 880 80 51, or send an email to